Friday, April 11, 2014

Car Catergorization

Forgot if I have mentioned this before or not. I'm kinda into cars lately.

Sometimes it is good for a guy to be able to appreciate the beauty and the aesthetics of a car in the absence of a female (LOL!).

Depends on the level of appreciation and interests, cars can be studied to a very deep and technical extend.

Well today let's just make things easier. I'm also learning so hey I've decided to look up the different categories we can divide the cars into.

Usually we always categorize cars by their brands and manufacturers. Which is kinda kindergarten stuff since its almost the same as classifying humans against their race and skin color. So I've looked up on some basic classifications that could come in handy.

And dear how wrong I was when it comes to classifications! There are so many ways that you can group and classify them.

You have specs defined by vernacular and everyday term usage. You have groupings defined by the law and regulation. So yeah it depends. It's too complicated to summarize everything in this one humble post of mine.

But let's start with some basics I've learnt ok?

File:Three body styles with pillars and boxes.png
From top to bottom: Sedan, Station Wagon, Hatchback

1. Sedan - The most common cars we see are sedans. 3 well defined areas i.e: the front, body and back
Examples of cars available in Malaysia: Toyota Vios, Proton Saga, Volkswagen Polo Sedan, Honda City

2. Station Wagon - Something similar to the hatchback but a very long but not well defined end

Examples of cars available in Malaysia: I don't think we have a good example of this over here. Please be noted that SUVs and four wheel drives are omitted from this category.

2. Hatchback - Cars with a two box configuration (just green and red). Basically a car without a well defined boot space like the top picture.

Examples of cars available in Malaysia: MyVi, Ford Fiesta, Volkswagen Polo.

So yeah here is a starter for cars 101. I'm into a deeper study so yeah I'll just stop here. VROOM!

p.s. Ever wanted to know the name of the three wheel light blue car that always gets gotcha by Mr Bean? It's called the Reliant Regal.


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