Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Of Jose Mujica & King Jai Singh

Sometimes I just love facebook for the random facts and intriguing lessons one can learn.

Lessons can be very basic things. Sometimes too basic till it's overlook and neglected.

Well in a nutshell, Jose Mujica reminded me yet again that it is best to be humble as always. Pretty much people criticize the legalization of cannabis in Uruguay, but I think it must have been a hard decision for the government to make.

And for King Jai Singh, thanks for reminding me to never look down on others. So that's partly why Rolls Royce are not as strong as they were last time... 
Read about Jose Mujica here 

Read about King Jal Singh here

Monday, January 20, 2014


Hey peeps. How are you doing? February is just around the corner!

Time flies! Where are you in terms of progress in your resolution?

It's already week 4. That means 48 weeks before 2015 comes!

Perhaps you haven't got started on anything yet. But always remember what you set and planned at the beginning of the year.

Unless you're just planning and making resolutions for the sake of making them, then it's time to put some gears into them.

A week may seem like little time when you have 52 of them. But do realize one fact that time is still time.

Each week passes is around minus 2% in your total time available to you in a year. So by the end of January, you will already have less than 90% of time remaining to make 2014 count.

I think setting a day to day schedule, breaking down my resolutions into daily steps to take, does help so far. Now I just need to have the persistence and make it a die hard habit.

Cheers peeps, and may we all countdown towards Chinese New Year.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


"You'll always feel it (pain) Sherlock. But you don't have to fear it" 
- Jim Moriarty (BBC Sherlock, 2014)

Wise words indeed. What more from a villain. A nemesis. 

It is not always we have a soft spot for antagonists. I know plenty of girls out there who are rooting for Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in Thor (seriously I really like Loki as Loki, not because of Tom. Was relieved that he wasn't really dead).

Same goes to Jim Moriarty. Though I got to know he wasn't dead spoiler (ooops did I spoil it for someone else too?), it was actually nice to know that Moriarty survives. 

Not because I'm a dark villain myself or I condone evil (well maybe I do? Just haven't showed my true colors yet :p). Sometimes it's just a matter of fact of perspectives. 

Back to the pain issue. Here I am, after a 5km run, something I decided to forgo yesterday as I was half dead after a morning futsal session. My body still aches but after spraying some pain relieve, I continued with my planned schedule.

What I wanted to remind myself yet again is, pain is a feeling. Not fearing it is a state of mind. And true by going against the pain barrier, you break and rebuild yourself to become stronger. Better. 

I restarted the ab crunching exercise which brought me my almost perfect abs sometimes back ago. The pain was all so familiar. I couldn't even finish the whole 240 crunches when I first started.

But now, finishing 240 crunches leaves me in pain. But not agony. Because just the state of mind of not fearing the pain that I am to endure, I am more resilient to the pain and aches now.

Applying this philosophy in life. And I'm sure you will no doubt rewrite your own limits. 

If better, the limits of mankind :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Debunking The Chinese New Year Weight Gain Scare

Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Good food good life in the horizon. And best of all - Ang Paus!

I know most of us who are health conscious are ready to put down the diet or gym regime for the mere 1 week just to let off some steam and to indulge a bit. Hell I'm already starting to lose some weight now in preparation for CNY's mega feast.

We all know we are bound to put on that extra weight. How much depends on how much we eat and drink. Don't forget: Soft drinks are lined with sugar that gives you that extra weight! Not to mention alcoholic beverages which pack in more calories!

I came across this facebook photo. Since it was about CNY cookies, it did raise my brow to read and look at the picture more closely.

Have a look at the picture:
Wow. Looks like a nightmare with all the 3 digits calorie gain with just a few pieces of intake.

Okay. Since there is a source for the picture, I checked out the website. So it's not a scientist or some healthcare professional. Nor is she related to anything related to science.

So here I stand, as a humble food tech grad student, just to prove the discrepancies of the data in the photo. Because I think it may create some unease to those who are really crazy of their body weight.

Let's start with some basics in food science. Let's learn about calories.

FACT 1: Calories are contributed by macro nutrients. The list of macro nutrients and their contribution of calories per gram are listed as below.

                              1 gram of fat                  = 9 calories
                              1 gram of alcohol           = 7 calories
                              1 gram of protein           = 4 calories
                              1 gram of carbohydrate  = 4 calories

FACT 2: According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, the total energy of an isolated system cannot change, which means energy cannot be created and destroyed. In layman terms for this situation, how much food you eat, will result in how much calorie intake, which in the end will determine your weight gain.

Ok let's get started. For easier calculation, we're going to take "1 gram of fat = 10 calories" for worse case scenario, as fat contributes to the most calorie intake per gram, and marking it up to 10 calories is to simplify calculation.

Case 1: 1 piece of nian gao fritters = 220 calories.

220 calories / (10 calories/g of fat) = 22 g of fat

As far as I know, Nian gao fritters are made up of nian gao (flour + alot of sugar, hence carbohydrate predominantly, 1 piece of potato and 1 piece of yam (also predominantly carbohydrates). Even the batter use to coat the whole 3 pieces is made of flour!. Only the frying requires oil, which in the end does not make up to even 20% of the whole piece of nian gao fritters.

If I were to go harsh and more precise, 220calories / (4 calories/g of carbs) = 50 g of carbs, which I would say that one piece of nian gao fritter is around 30g-ish.

But then let's get back to the declared value in the picture. If your nian gao and potato are really made up of 100% fat, weights 22 g for each piece, then no doubt you will get 220 calories.

Case 2: 4 pieces of love letters = 210 calories

First of all, I'm gonna say I will be pathetic as we all know love letters a.k.a. kuih kapit is NOT being deep fried but being baked on a charcoal griddle, so no added oil and fat.

But still for the sake of proofing, I'd still use "1 gram of fat = 10 calories"

210 calories / (10calories /g of fat) = 21g of fat.

So 4 pieces of kuih kapit is made entirely out of fat, with each piece weighing 5 g. I thought putting 100% of butter on a charcoal griddle just gets the butter melted?

A more precise calorie count for love letters :
17 calories x 4 pieces = 98 calories only. A big gap compared to 210 calories.

Case 3: 1 piece of bak kua 370 calories

Sounds logical. Bak kua IS oily.

370 calories / (10calories /g of fat) = 37 g of fat.

1 piece of bak kua made out of 100% fat, weighs 37 g, will give you 370 calories. But my science teacher taught me that meat is protein wor...

Well let's take a look at Bee Cheng Hiang's Nutrition Panel shall we:

1 serving = 40g = 146Kcal or in normal conversation 146 calorie. 370 calorie is just a number plucked from the sky!!!

*note: Food manufacturers HAVE to be careful when declaring these numbers on their Nutrition Panel. Cause a deviation of less than 80% or more than 120% will land them in hot soup according to Malaysia's Food Regulation. Why I know? Cause I'm working in the food industry :p

I can go on and justify each picture but why waste my time? I just want you guys to enjoy Chinese New Year, put on that little but acceptable weight for this auspicious celebration.

And not to be bugged and mislead by some baseless numbers put up on Facebook without any proofs!

So now that you guys know how to calculate the calories you take, I hope that you can control yourself during the festive period!

Ciao. Sherlock is outta here...


A Kangkung Lesson To Remember

Just as I was running out of ideas to blog, thank God I can blog about Kangkung.

Kangkung is now the official vegetable of Malaysia after a slip of words by a well known politician.

I always believe that by learning from the mistake of others without needing to pay a price is the most rewarding thing in life. So what can we learn from this mistake?

1. Just because you've done a little good, don't expect people to laud you on your efforts and achievements. The world is a cruel place to live in. People don't always remember the good you do, but when you make a mistake, it gets remembered till the end of days. So yes, this will go down together with history. It may not be compiled and captured in history books, but I think various sites like Wikipedia and others will certainly have it archived.

2. Think before you talk. Obviously it's a no-brainer to compare the price drop of a humble vegetable that as if will change the living standards of Malaysians. What about the soon to be implemented GST, rising fuel and electricity costs? It's not like our cars run on Kangkung right?

3. The social media is a very scary place. Especially when a country like Malaysia has a lot of active users. Sure our internet speed is slow, but we are top users of ANY kind of social media apps.
So "imagine" your tongue slipped. The only way that you can stop a catastrophe of critics coming is that you stop that imagination. Else, you're gone.

4. Don't try to cover up your mistakes. We've already learn that lesson when the Johor Municipal Council decided to white wash Ernest Zacharavic's controversial street painting, depicting the failure of curbing crime rates. It has also propelled Malaysia into unwanted stardom and attention.

5. A quote from Albert Einstein:

Well hopefully I won't make a blunder like that...

Keep Calm and L.I.F.E :)
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today I'm going to talk about allergies. Food allergies in particular.

We know roughly what are the types of food that can cause food allergies. Perhaps you got to know it through a friend or relative who is suffering from that particular food allergy. Or you read it up on the net.

But how to be extensive? To be able to cover almost all of the groups that can cause food allergy?

Before we delve deeper, let us recap or perhaps explain what food allergy is. What is the science behind the cause of food allergy?

To be scientific though, we are looking at either allergy or intolerance. Allergens triggers antibody reaction from your body. Intolerance on the other hand, does not necessary involve the immune system. It is more to the inability of the body to breakdown the particular food.

It is actually one of the nutrients of that particular food that causes food allergy. That specific nutrient is protein. The most popular groups or food allergen includes

1. Milk
2. Gluten
3. Eggs
4. Fish
5. Shellfish
6. Nuts (all kinds of them)
7. Soya beans

*Lupines, Mustard, Sulphites etc. are other noted allergens. I'm just including them here as I work at a food manufacturing company, and these allergens are also screened through.

Although food allergies can be cured, but curing one from an allergy may lead to another new allergy. Some patients are so sensitive to allergens that death can occur if they are exposed to an amount their body cannot accommodate.

Allergies still can't be overcome completely through medication, but antihistamines are prescribed to lessen swelling or itching that some may encounter should an allergy attacks.

But yeah exposing yourself a bit by bit to allergens could help. This is something I got to pick up while watching "Trust Me I'm a Doctor". Studies have been done to come up with tablets made from pollen to help reduce hay fever during the summer.

Whether it will be a next step towards curing allergy, let's all hope for the best!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Health Tips and Knowledge

I know I did mentioned blogging about the little health knowledge that I have learn daily. But sometimes when blogging about other things, I seem to get carried away and end up not including them all in a post.

Instead, I'll make an update that captures all the tiny yet relevant health tips that I have accrued. I hope there are readers out there like you who are reading it. Health is something we should take charge of and not leave to fate. I am taking charge of mine in this year by watching what I eat, how much I eat, and what to eat. I hope you're with me as well.

You don't need to spend the time or go through scientific explanations if you're not a science student to understand something. Pitch your thoughts to me! Let me do the research, read up the materials, and share it with everyone else through this blog. You just have to read, remember and perhaps challenge constructively if you find discrepancies.

Alzheimer's Disease

Eat more: cabbage, beer (yes because of the source of silicon), soy beans and potatoes (source of co-enzyme Q10) (food that are source of silicon.)
Cut down on: Alcohol, excluding beer
Avoid: cooking food in aluminum pans, antacid indigestion tablets, food containing Aluminum or Aluminum derived addititves (eg. sodium aluminum phasphate E541)


Eat more: Meat, poultry, liver, fortified breakfast cereals, fresh green vegetables and citrus fruits (food that are source of iron)
Avoid: Drinking tea with meals
Note: Improve iron absorption with vitamin C. Iron is not easily absorbed into the body and tannins in tea can decrease the absorption rate of iron by the body.


Eat more: meat, eggs, cheese, nuts (food source of various B vitamins); citrus fruits (vitamin C); sweet milky drinks
Cut down on: tea, coffee, colas (which contains caffeine); cocoa and chocolate; alcohol.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

3D Printing

Downloading pictures, documents, music, movies.

Almost all of you who reads the first sentence up there knows how to do it. Now, imagine that you could now download stuffs from the net and make them 3D in reality.

If you still don't get the picture, think of downloading a Lego piece. A toy, camera, work tools, you name it.


3D printing!

I knew of it quite some time ago. But I did not know how. Well after watching this video, I get the idea, and also the downside of it too.

Well like it or not, it's best to embrace and make the most good out of it!

Friday, January 10, 2014


While I was at London, the fashion bug kinda bit me. Not too hard till I was desperate to get one of the branded goods on the spot. But it did certainly planted a target for one of my long term goals - get financial freedom, and then acquire garments that you are able to afford.

At London, the heart of fashion itself, strutting pass Knightsbridge, Regent Street, I got pounded with names that I knew were classy and quality. However I wasn't a pro yet in how good was good. So I made that initiative to learn up the brands one by one and perhaps, spend some time at the stores next time when I'm out. Window shopping ain't that bad!

One brand that I have a strong affinity to is Burberry. Their outlet at Knightsbridge was one of the outlets I've spend most of my time during Boxing Day. Burberry is indigenous in England - it started in Basingstoke, and how it grew to a global luxury brand certainly incites me, apart from their much classy design.
Prorsum - Moving forward in Latin

 Burberry was founded by Thomas Burberry. And I'd say one of their biggest success is not any particular clothing, but the design that is synonymous to it's brand - The Burberry Check. 

You know how logos or symbol plays a role in marketing. But a pattern design that symbolizes a brand, is not quite something you come across. Plenty of symbols have horses or knights; you may mistaken Burberry's iconic logo for something else. But the Burberry Check is distinct and in it's own league.

Alright enough of the brand. More on the founder. Thomas Burberry was well remembered not only for founding Burberry. He is also known for his other invention - the gabardine, a fabric used to make coats, trousers and many more.

Notable examples of Burberry going the distance with mankind was Roald Amundsen, the first man to reach the South Pole in 1911 and Ernest Shackleton, who led the Antarctica expedition. George Mallory's ill-fated Mount Everest attempt in 1924 also saw him wearing a Burberry jacket.

Gabardine is used nowadays for trench coats, one of the clothing item that I have fallen in love with. Most probably I'm being influenced by Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes. Oh well too bad its not applicable in Malaysia.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Alcohol - Merit in Moderation

We all know that a small amount of alcohol goes a long way in boosting our health. But how small is small?

First, let us debunk some of the myths. The migraines you have if you over drink, it's not caused by the alcohol itself! Rather, scientific research are pointing towards polyphenols (tannins) that gives the headache.

So back to the merits. 21 units for men while 14units for the ladies. How to measure your intake, ensuring alcohol is doing you more good then harm? Take a look at the guide below.

All alcohol contributes to obesity, mainly because alcohol itself is just a simpler form of sugar - calories!

But the main culprits are stouts and beers.

Words of the day:

Teetotaller: A person who never drinks alcohol.

Spasmodic: occurring or done in brief, irregular burst

Cirrhosis: inflammation of the liver.

Alright. A pledge to myself. Drink responsibly. \m/

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Additives, Invictus, and The Railway Man

Today's article from the internet is one based on a true story - The Railway Man. Click here for the article.

Today's health column is about food additives. As a food tech student it gives me no pressure to understand what the word means. It means chemicals added in for flavor, preservatives, color, taste enhancers etc. All of them are considered additives.

Some additives have the E number. It means that the specific additive has been approved by all countries in the EU. And they are all specific. Example, E249-52 will be for nitrites and nitrates. So on and so forth.

Will blog on MSG in a different post tomorrow. 

Today's self improvement had me picking up Keith Harrell's CONNECT 

According to Keith, here is his formula to success:
1. Commit to win. BE-accountable. Its the core of commitment.
2. Open up to opportunities. BE a change embracer. Embrace change and stimulate growth.
3. Notice what's needed and do what's necessary. BE-aware.
4. Navigate by your purpose. BE-vision centered.
5. Execute ethically: Do what's right because it's right. BE-performance and integrity driven.
6. Challenge your challenges: BE-responsible
7. Transcend beyond your best. BE-the difference.

But most important of all, you must have the right foundation - ATTITUDE.

Quotes of the day

"You are not here to merely make a living.
You are here in order to enable the world to live
more amply, with greater vision,
with a finer spirit of hope and achievement."
-Woodrow Wilson

"They can because they think they can"

Words of the day:

Fraternity: Brotherhood

Sorority: Sisterhood

Tenets: a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
"the tenets of classical liberalism"

Invictus: Unconquered in Latin

Monday, January 6, 2014

Summary of Today's Learning From Books

Yes. Achieved that minimum 30 pages a day. Have read around 40 pages of material today. It's a mixture of self improvement and health.

Let us start with health. Finally I've read that book I've purchased for 1 pound. Hardcover, glossy paper and vibrant colors. Yippee. I love books like this.

The topic I've read was: Acne.

Acne is caused, firstly by the overproduction of oil waste by the skin or sebum. Dead skin cells may get stuck into the pores where sebum are naturally secreted, causing a blockage. Bacteria present on our skin will then covert the mass into compounds, hence known as acne or pimples.

To avoid pimples, eat more:
- Shellfish, nuts, poultry and lean meat (for the zinc basically)
- Fresh fruit and vegetable for vitamin C
- Whole grains and cereals for B vitamins and zinc
- Food rich in polyunsaturated fat (PUFA)

Cut down on:
- Chocolate and sweets
- Highly salted snacks
- Added sugar

For self improvement, I'm reading Richard Branson's "Screw Business As Usual. The notable examples that got me googling them was:


Jempson's is like any other convenience stall like M&S. But the one thing that they are really into is to eliminate waste. Sourcing their goods and materials responsibly, they also do their part when it comes to sustaining Mother Nature. Read the book or google them for more info!


A surf company which also made its initiative to use recycle materials for their surf wear.

New words or nouns learnt:

Chard: A type of vegetable

Rhubarb: Also a type of vegetable
Budgerigar: A parakeet

Chutzpah: Pronounced "hutzpah", meaning audacity, saying something that is bound to shock others.

Creed: Confession, symbol of faith, what you believe in.

Venereal disease: sexual disease.

And not to forget the post on the chaotic pendulum. My mind is saturated now... 

Feels good :)


The Chaos Pendulum of St Mary Redcliffe

I almost forgot to share this.. This deserves a post on its own, although I have plenty to blog about today!

There I was, basking in the inner beauty of St. Mary Redcliffe Cathedral, appreciating the soothing silence that calms me.

Then I heard water tricking. The sound of metal colliding. What on earth is wrecking the peaceful serenity of the church?

A weird looking compass swaying and moving. Then I realized I've stumbled upon the one and only Chaotic Pendulum (this specific model and build up).

Here is an explanation offered: click here

I stood there for 10 minutes with my brother. We had numerous deduction: the flow of the water isn't really constant. But then again, it is indeed a good replication of the Double Pendulum, where the chaotic movements of the swings cannot be predicted!!

Alright enough of the physics lecture. Here are some freebies of St Mary Redcliffe before I post them up on Facebook when I have the time. Enjoy!

 Okay just one more last photo of the pendulum kay?

Click on the images for a better view

There you go guys. Easily one of the most enjoyable place I've been in Bristol. :)