Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jetlag - Outwinning It

This is just a formula or method I devised up myself. So far it worked quite well when I was flying from here to UK.

Basically what I did was, the moment I went up the plane, I'm already trying to get accustomed to the time over there. I boarded a 7.45pm plane (GMT +7). So it's basically 1pm over there in London.

I pounded on with the provided entertainment - movies, music, games for the flight until the transit to Dubai. I gave myself some needed power nap while transit.

On the flight from Dubai to London, I quickly fell into slumber without the needed entertainment, just waking up to meals that everyone else had taken.

The 2nd day at London was indeed kinda groggy. But yeah with a few cups of much needed coffee, all was good.

Coming back to Malaysia wasn't as easy as planned. Notably because my biological clock was very much accustomed to London in a mere 13 days over there.

I boarded a morning flight around 9.45am (GMT +0). I had no sleep debt that I had deprived of my body. So even from the transit flight from Dubai to KL, I barely slept well, coupled by a not so uncomfortable experience for drinking a whole bottle of wine on board. Damn.

Well I reached KL and spend the day as normal as I could. That is where I began to had my sleeping debts. I slept at 2am that night and to find myself waking at up at a freaking 2pm today. I even slept through my annoying alarm!

One day is enough to out win a jet lag should you prepare beforehand to get accustomed to the time by starting retuning your biological clock on flight. So yeah let's hope I wake up in time for my morning workouts tomorrow before I go to work.

I got this idea from my brother. And yes it is indeed very wise to do so :)

P.S. updated on 6th Jan 2014: I ended up having jet lag too. Slept for 3 hours and then couldn't sleep any more. Anyway good thing I don't feel tired today. Guess my biological clock is still in chaos mode. 

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